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Textured Boxes: Aesthetics and Consumer Perception

The perfect packaging is able to turn ordinary consumers into excited fans. When a brand focuses on the way that they design packaging, it is possible for the product as well as brand to stand out and attract people to what they are selling. Recognition of a brand based on its packaging can help increase sales and can even help get you a dedicated consumer base wanting to often buy what you are selling. Therefore it is necessary to choose the best packaging solution that your customers will prefer and be drawn to. Textured boxes look attractive and feel good as well as they use the sense of sight and touch to convince consumers to buy the product. 

It is important that these boxes be aesthetically appealing so that people will notice them and touch the texture included on them. The packaging design needs to give consumers a positive impression of the brand as well. The following looks at textured packaging keeping in mind the aesthetics of the packaging and designing it to give customers a good image of brand:

Perfect packaging material

Packaging can only look attractive and give consumers a positive perception of the brand when the box is strong. For this it is necessary to choose the right packaging material that will allow you to include the unique textured impact on it as well. The box that you end up with should look and feel good and must also protect the product that you place in it. 

When it comes to making textured boxes, you can choose cardboard to make the box from. This material will allow you to add what texture you want to include on the box and you will end up with custom packaging perfect for your product. The textured effect can be added and the packaging can look attractive as cardboard is customizable. 

Cardboard texture and linen boxes such as these give a positive vibe to shoppers. They will notice how your brand has put effort into creating packaging that can give them a good experience.

Choosing the right textured impact

You need to choose what impact to add on the box so that when your customers hold it, they will be impressed. It is advisable to choose a texture which connects with the product you are selling so that people will easily know what it is. 

For instance spot gloss coating tends to be a post-print technique which includes a layer of gloss coating. This is applied to a particular place on the box so that the area can pop out. Packaging that includes this will feel soft and elegant therefore you can include it on packaging for products such as perfume. 

Brands which are selling sports products or outdoor products can choose a rough texture to include on the packaging. When someone holds the box they will get the image that a product such as this is present in it. 

Aesthetically appealing packaging

A brand needs to design the packaging in an appealing way so that it gets noticed in the first place. Nowadays it is difficult to do this as many different brands are all aiming to achieve this. 

To end up with attractive packaging you can keep your target audience in mind so that the box can be designed to attract them and convince them to pick it up. For example if you are selling jewelry to ladies in the box, the packaging design needs to look expensive, chic, elegant, and sophisticated. To end up with a box like this you can add colors like black, purple, gold, etc. on it. A minimal packaging design will stand out more for a high-end product like this therefore avoids adding too many images on the box. 

Printed texture and linen boxes should only include relevant details so that the packaging design can look clean and sophisticated allowing it to stand out. When consumers look at a box like this they will know that you are selling an elegant product.

Brand information

Another important part of the packaging design includes the brand details you add on the box. These are necessary because consumers need to know which brand’s products they are buying and the packaging can help here. 

A textured impact can be included on a brand logo as this will make it stand out more prominently and will feel different than the rest of the box as well. You can include the embossing impact on it for instance. A brand’s colors can even get added so that they aid with recognition purposes. 

Cleverly include your company’s contact details on the box allowing it to be easier for customers to contact it and also to head over to its website and find out about what it sells. 

Typography and details to include

The typography you choose to include information on custom boxes will allow the box to look more attractive or not. You can select a unique font according to the way you have designed the box and the impression you are aiming to give. The color and size of the font is even important and this should be chosen so that it is easy for people to read the details. 

The information that you add on the box has to be selected carefully so that the box does not look confusing and congested with too many details. For instance if you are selling a food product like high-end chocolates in the box, you can tell its ingredients, flavor, expiry date, warnings, etc. 

Texture and linen packaging that looks aesthetically appealing will give consumers a positive impression of a brand and the products that it is selling. If you have chosen this packaging option it is important that you use good-quality materials to make the box so that the box is strong and can protect the product effectively. The packaging design needs to be thought off carefully so that the box is able to convince your consumer base that the product is one to buy and try out. Packaging such as this is able to outshine the competition and help sales increase for a brand.

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