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Eyeliner Boxes: Packaging Materials and Product Protection

Many people like to look pretty and presentable. It is possible to enhance ones beauty with the help of makeup products like eyeliner. This has resulted in the popularity of these products making many brands manufacture them. Customers have much choice to choose from when wanting to buy eyeliner and any other makeup item.

 A brand can convey what it is selling and let shoppers know about its values with the help of eyeliner boxes. The packaging plays a major role in making your product get noticed in front of the competition and it can even protect the eyeliner from getting damaged.

When making packaging for eyeliner, you need to consider what packaging materials you use so that the product can remain safe in the box. The packaging should also be designed in a unique way. The following discusses packaging for eyeliner whilst keeping these points in mind:

Selection of packaging materials

Cosmetics need to be placed in strong packaging so that customers have no issues with the product getting damaged before it reaches them. The packaging materials you select will impact whether you will end up with strong or weak packaging. Those materials that will be able to protect the eyeliner from getting damaged must be chosen.

In the cosmetic industry, popular packaging materials that are often used to package the products include cardboard, corrugated cardboard, or Kraft as they are effective in protecting the eyeliner.

A major benefit of these materials is that you can choose their strength level allowing you to end up with a box most suitable to protect the eyeliner in. The materials are also customizable and so this helps you create a unique box that is perfect for what you are selling.

Sustainable materials

Nowadays brands need to pursue activities that will limit waste and pollution in the environment. Across the globe temperatures have changed due to global warming that has occurred because of waste produced by humans.

 Packaging does cause much waste when it is not done properly therefore all brands need to play their role in reducing this waste. There are even many eco-conscious customers and they prefer brands that follow sustainable practices.

The above materials will give you packaging that will be environmentally-friendly. Materials that are recyclable, reusable, renewable, and/or biodegradable such as these should be selected so that your packaging will not damage the environment.

You must also choose to print the packaging with sustainable inks like soy-based inks or water-based inks for instance. This will help make the box remain eco-friendly yet look attractive.

Keep in mind dimensions of packaging

If you want custom eyeliner boxes wholesale to protect the product that you have placed in them, it is important that the dimensions of the box be perfect. The size and shape of the packaging must guarantee that the product fit in the box snugly and securely.

The eyeliner should be easy to take out and place back in the box. For this the packaging must not be extremely small and also too large as well. If you want to place filler material there should be enough room for this. People often place the product back in its packaging after using it therefore make sure that it is easy for them to do this.

You can choose to make a unique shaped box as this will stand out but the shape should be right for the product as well so that it remains secure.  

Show consumers product

It is effective if you let shoppers get a glimpse of the eyeliner in the box. This can be done when you include a transparent window on the box through which people can easily see the product. This will give them confidence when they decide to buy the product as they will see how it looks.

The transparent film that you use on the window area should be strong so that the product remains safe in the packaging. The window can help enhance the appeal of the product when you make it be the right size and shape and let it show the attractive parts of the eyeliner.

Some customers want to see how the container for the product looks and whether it will be easy for them to use it. The transparent window on the box showing them the eyeliner directly can help them out here.

Design features of the packaging

Custom boxes need to even look appealing so that people know an elegant eyeliner product is in the box that is worth getting. The color combination and graphics you choose to add on the packaging matter here.

Think about what message you want to convey to customers through the packaging and add colors according to this. For example a brand that is aiming to give the impression of sophistication and elegance can add colors like black and gold on the box.

The graphics you include should be connected to eyeliners. For instance you can add an image of an eye that has eyeliner applied on it. You may include an illustrated image of the product within the box.

The font style you choose is important here as well. It should be readable and must make the packaging look appealing. You will need to include information about the product that helps customers know its features. For instance you will state what the product is, the color of the eyeliner, its ingredients, warnings, etc.

Brand information like a brand logo, tagline, color, etc. need to even be included on the packaging. The manufacturer’s contact information should be added also.

The packaging materials you choose to use to make eyeliner packaging will impact the strength and attractiveness of the packaging.

 If you want to give shoppers a good impression of your company it is important to invest in strong and customizable packaging materials which will protect the eyeliner and which will even make it stand out in front of the competition. If you make your product be visible on a crowded store shelf, you can encourage more and more people to want to buy it.

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