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Candle Boxes: Packaging Design and Emotional Branding Strategies

Imagine walking in a supermarket looking for candles and seeing many different ones present from different brands. With this major competition present in the industry, selecting the right candle can be a tough task. Suddenly your attention may be caught by a certain brand. The thing that may have made you pause to consider the product could have been its packaging. Candle boxes can play the role of being an attention-grabber impacting the purchasing choice of consumers.

This is because the packaging will have been the first thing that someone saw of your product. When designed right it has the ability to boost brand recognition and reinforce a company’s identity in the market.

The packaging design you have an impact the emotions of your consumer base. Read on to find out more about this:

First impression

Packaging tends to be a visual representation of a certain brand. When it is designed effectively it can give a positive initial impression to your consumer base. It can make customers think that you have manufactured a good-quality candle that is worth buying.

This impression can be given by the strength of the packaging and the way that you have designed it. For instance if you choose to have minimalist packaging and employ high-quality materials to make it, consumers will be impressed.

Strong packaging gives impression of quality

If you want people to have a positive reaction, it is important that you get strong packaging materials to make the boxes from so that the candle remains safe in it. When people look at a strong box they will get this image. Packaging that is already breaking in a store makes people think that a low-quality candle is in the box.

When brands choose high-quality materials like cardboard, corrugated cardboard, or Kraft to make the boxes from, consumers will know that you have invested in getting strong packaging that is able to secure the candle product in it.

Sustainable packaging shows brand as responsible

When a brand chooses to create eco-friendly packaging, they will be showing consumers that they are responsible and care about the environment. It is important to reduce packaging waste and let your customers know that you are doing this.

Custom candle boxes that are recyclable, reusable, renewable, and/or biodegradable can be gotten and soy-based ink or some other sustainable ink option can be used to print the box. Packaging such as this will impress the many environmentally-conscious customers who demand that brands follow sustainable practices.

Positive emotion when unboxing the package

Customers can get a certain emotion when they are unboxing the package. If you are able to give them a good experience, they will remember your brand.

For instance a brand can give consumers a good tactile experience along with an exciting sensory experience. Packaging can impact a consumer on an emotional level therefore it is important to focus on this part of the box.

You can for instance design the packaging attractively so that it looks amazing and then include a textured effect on the box. When customers hold the box they will feel its texture which will excite them. You can include a texture that is similar to the texture of the candle in the box. You can even add a scent on the packaging that is like the scent of the candle. This will impress your consumer base as they will know how the candle even smells.

If you choose to get window boxes wholesale to place the candle product in and leave the window area open on the boxes, people can feel the candle and enjoy its texture. This can even give customers a good experience.

Convenient packaging

Choose a packaging structure which makes life simpler for your consumer base so that they will be happy with your brand and see it as one that is helping them out. The packaging should be easy to open and close and even carry. When people look at the box they should also know about what you are selling. Therefore include important information about the candle on the box that is readable and looks good also.

For instance when choosing the typography, you can opt for a type style, size plus color which gives the correct tone to your customers. If your brand is a fun one you can choose a font that conveys this.

Employ color to attract customers to the most vital details on the box. You can establish a certain mood with the colors you choose. For instance blue can be used if you want to give a soothing impression. Pastels are used to convey a gentle image.

Customers usually want to see the way that the candle looks so that they can know its color and texture. For this window packaging will be helpful. You will be showing consumers the candle directly making their life easier as they will be able to better decide if they want to buy it.

Personalize packaging

To develop a strong emotional connection with your brand and the candles that it sells, consider personalizing the packaging design. This can include adding a consumer’s name on the box or creating a custom package. This will make consumers feel special and develops stronger connections with them.

A packaging design such as this fosters engagement and enhances the overall consumer experience. Your brand is able to be more prominent than the competition when you design packaging in this way.

Packaging is not only a tool for getting the attention of consumers and for keeping your candle product safe. It is a strong brand enhancer and can help in increasing brand loyalty when designed right. The right packaging design has the ability to differentiate your candles from the others in the market.

It can create excitement in consumers making them want to pick up your custom candle packaging and so interact with your product. This can then end up making them buy the candle you are selling and ignore the many other similar ones from different brands present on the same store shelf.

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